Sunday, September 11, 2011

Relevant Magazine Article

I read this really insightful article in Relevant Magazine recently and I wanted to share it with you. It's about sex (gasp!!) specifically premarital sex (double gasp!) I hope it gives you a new perspective, like it did for me.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really great article in that it lays everything out on the table for us to think about clearly. My only criticism is that it doesn't really address many practical solutions. One really helpful part was when the married guy talked about his struggles at the end of his engagement, and he and his fiance made it a point to be with friends or out in a public place even before they found themselves feeling overwhelmed with temptation.

    Yes, we are Christians and yes, we know that sex before marriage is wrong. But I can totally identify with the situation of being in a relationship and realizing how hard it is to fight temptation.

    Some tips I have to offer:
    1) Like the guy in the article, hang out around other people or even in a public place. If you feel like you're not getting enough one-on-one time because you're always in a group, even going to the park and sitting on a bench and having a quiet, personal conversation is good!
    2) Have someone you trust check in on you every once in a while and ask how you've been doing with physical temptation. If it turns out to be a married Christian woman, even better! Because that way they probably have been in your shoes at some point in time.
    3) This one's kind of hard to remember to do, but every time you so happen to be alone in the house with your bf, take the time to pray together against physical temptation. When you ask, God will answer!

    Any more tips, anyone? Please share!!!
