Friday, August 23, 2013

uncle in Toronto

toronto trip was good.
my mum, sister and I stayed with aunt and uncle (my mum's cousin) and 3 kids aged 11 13 and 16.

They treat us really very can really tell when someone truly loves you, they really want to spend time with you bc time is the most expensive commodity. My uncle always tells my sister and I to visit, to stay longer with them..I feel like he sees us like his own daughters. He knows my dad was never around. In fact, his dad was never around either. As a result....he has never spent a single night away from his family. He refuses to go on business trips unless he can bring his family..or he'll only go to the closer ones where he can go home at night. He is a PT and owned 4 clinics, teaches at McMaster university. They found out my aunt had cancer and he sold 3 of his 4 clinics so he could spend more time with family. 

Part of me is envious, i wish my dad was like that, i wish it were my family. 
Not only was my dad not teaching us what a father should be teaching his children, he wasnt even THERE, he didnt even give that a chance. Parents have the biggest impact in a child's life. For one, they have a huge impact on their children's view of themselves.  Someone who cannot manage his household well cannot expect to do great things outside, it starts at home. 

I am however more hopeful than envious. I see my uncle and I know there are good men out there.