"You should read Modern Reject if you are a truth-seeking, no B.S., Jesus-loving ninja. Plain and simple. If you desire freedom, like me, yous should read. If you believe in being Spirit-led, not blindly-led, you should read." - Modern Reject
This post is about "Surrendering Your Desire for a Spouse", written by a single guy who is now not single anymore, but wrote this post when he was still single. He was struggling to come to terms with his singleness.
"What does it mean to surrender my desire for a wife?
- Does it mean I pretend I don’t have a desire for a future wife?
- Does it mean I stop talking to girls?
- Does it mean I date Jesus?
I don’t think it means any of those things.
Surrender means to cease resistance to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority. The hardest part of surrendering, for me, is giving up control.[...]This even applies to marriage. Think about it.
Marriage will require surrendering many of my personal desires for a time. But when I’m willing to surrender my own desires for the moment, my desires actually end up being met even more completely than I could have expected." - Darrell Vesterfelt